Myrddin Emrys college 2024

Myrddin Emrys College is a four-day larp school specialized in higher education for witches and wizards from all over the world. LARP, or more commonly known as Live Action Role Play, is a form of improvisation theater in which every participant gets to play a unique role. What makes it even more special is that there are no spectators. Everyone you see, makes a part of the story. The location for this grand event is at a Belgian castle.

At the start of your academic career, you will get to choose your very own specialization path. To graduate in these crafts, you will follow a personal curriculum and attend classes and master all the skills you need to pursue your dreams in the Wizarding World.

You will also get sorted into one of the five houses that were founded by Belgian historical figures. Will you help your family win next year’s house cup, or do you rather thwart others from getting it?

Together with teachers and fellow students you will enter a world that is no longer your own, filled with magical creatures, outerwordly objects, spellcasting and so much more.


25 - 28 Jul 2024


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Castel Notre-Dame (Remersdael)
Castel Notre-Dame (Remersdael)

Equipe Orga
